My dhamma

I’ve seen my real nature
It’s love itself 
universal love, 
blissful joy, 

From now on
I’ll laugh about my self
be patient to my self
as much as I can

From now on
I’ll love my true nature

If this is too hard for me
I’ll hug my self
And I’ll fill my heart with 
loving kindness and compassion

From now on
I’ll forgive my self for all my shortcomings
for the mistakes I’ve made
and for the ones I’ll be making
moment by moment

I’ll treat you the same, 
as I’ll treat my self

If I like your behaviour and attitude, 
I’ll send you love
If I don’t like your behaviour and attitude,
I’ll send you love as well.

If you hurt me
or irritate me
I’ll send you love
as much as I can

From now on
I’ll choose my thoughts, words and deeds
as wisely as possible
And I’ll stand up for what I believe in
moment by moment

Walking on my own path, 
I’ll hold on to the realisation
that the world is just perfect as it is
It’s only my mind that whispers in my ear it’s not! 

(geschreven en voorgedragen in maart 2014, tijdens een meditatieretraite in Thailand)